Thursday 16 January 2014

Productivity, Imitation & Socialisation

I thought this week would be rather stressful from the foresight, but it's now Thursday and I've actually and such a good week!

Monday and Tuesday consisted of nothing but revision and exams, which was tough, but I always put myself through a lot of stress when it comes to my studies, and after sitting both my European Law exam and my Criminal Law exam I'm confident that I've successfully passed these modules and I'm well on track to earning my LLB Degree.

The relief of having exams gone and done is amazing, so to celebrate I had a really lovely day with one of my best ever friends, Tasha. We went for a lovely Chinese buffet and literally stuffed our faces with all the fab food, and then we went to the cinema to watch the new Paranormal Activity. I absolutely adore days like this, it makes me feel so happy spending time with people who mean so much to me, and since I've been stuck inside revising for weeks and not had much chance to see people it's put me in such an amazing mood!

Bizarrely, on Monday, someone brought to my attention the fact I seemed to have a fake profile of myself on Facebook. This isn't the first time I've had people use my pictures on Facebook, but this time it was really weird as they had literally completely imitated me; they included my previous work, they included Derby as my location, even included pictures from my Facebook of my BeyoncĂ© tickets and parts of the house... It's really scary, and also really annoying, since they used my pre-surgery photos and set a status about considering cosmetic surgery.  I think this annoys me greatly because the pictures are obviously of me, and using something I was really sensitive about on a fake profile is just pathetic. I suffered from Body Dysmorphia Disorder, which is a anxiety disorder where the sufferer see certain characteristics of their appearance as a serious flaw, so last year after a while of being hesitant I finally made an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon and underwent a rhinoplasty, which has completely changed my life since and has made me feel like I'm living to the full for the first time.

When people make fun of this, like it's a joke, they don't understand how much of a serious issue it truly is, and I would recommend nobody to ever insult people based on their appearance or use genuine recognised medical conditions to make out that a person is 'attention seeking' or 'stuck up'. Unless you suffer from something, you have no idea what it is like to suffer from it. I would never ever make comment over someone's mental or physical conditions, as it just show pure ignorance.

That's my annoyance over that dealt with though, and that's pretty much my week so far. Today I have spent the majority of the day upgrading my computer, after building up the courage to even start handling the components of course! Now that I have mostly swapped out the old components I'm amazed by how simple building a computer and upgrading a computer is. Currently the computer is sitting on my workbench, because I neglected to realise that my current CPU cooler would not correctly fit onto the new chipset. So I've got one of those on for order tomorrow, at which point I can then finally complete the build.

My Gaming Baby - currently missing it's cooler and main components

Once this system is set up I will be able to pass my components on to my best friend, and once she has got a system case and a few other components I will build her a gaming rig that will be able to play games with really good frame rates on high settings. It makes me really happy that she is interested in having a powerful computer, since the old components would sadly likely just sit within my house and gather dust which is an awful shame considering how much power and potential they have. My family is going out for a nice meal tomorrow evening to celebrate this week and the completion of my exams, we'll likely go to Frankie & Benny's and have a really nice Italian. My diet has definitely suffered this week!

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